Its our namesake for a reason, we get bidding right

Track Your Bids

Salesperson Hit Ratio
Track Multiple Customers in a Bid
Automated Notifications
Custom Reporting/Search
Canned Reports/Graphs


Plan Management Tool

Current Plan Set Marking
Track Changes/Bulletins
Custom Folder Creation
Mark Sheets Private/Internal


Invitation To Bid for Subcontractors

Invite Unlimited Subs/Vendors
Organize by CSI Codes or Custom
Track What Was Reviewed and When
Unlimited Document Storage
Integrated with Plan Management

Customizable dashboards

Each user can has their own dashboard, it can also be defaulted by location or division. We have over 100 different canned charts and grids but can also customize one specifically for you.

ReqUest Demo
Construction Sales Funnel Dashboard Example
Construction Activity Report Example

Customer Close Rates

Powerful bird's eye view of your customers' activity giving you better decision making tools.  

Request Demo

Custom Reports

Easily create custom reports that appear on user's dashboard for quick printing. Choose any available fields plus some calculated fields, give it your own name, pick a duration and group it up to 3 levels deep by fields.    

Request Demo
Construction Custom Report Example

what they say

Cras nec magna lacus. Aenean quis posuere magna. Sed luctus sapien mauris, vel egestas purus vestibulum convallis. Aenean gravida metus.
witney doe
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brad doe
Lorem ispum quis posuere magna. Sed luctus sapien mauris, vel egestas purus vestibulum convallis. Aenean gravida metus imperdiet
gloria doe